What a  day ! Johannesburg gave me one of those beautiful clear crisp Highveld mornings. The perfect send off and yet my eyes were covered in a  mist of emotion. The goodbyes were really difficult. To leave loved ones for adventure is damn hard.

The send off from all my fellow scooterists this morning was incredible and very heart felt. Thank you one and all for your effort and your company –  it was much appreciated.

I took it slow. Victoria and I love the open road and  that smell of Veld  just cleared my head… and we were off!  I must admit it is not often that so many different vehicles pass me but at least I managed to get past a Combine Harvester . We could have fitted into the tyre valve it was so gigantic.

The stats for the day might interest some – so 430 km was covered;  Victoria sipped 13,11 litres of 95 high octane –  she is a snob that way. The only  heart stopper of a moment  was when the engine started with a few splutters… but after a while all was well and we were’ Cruzin’.

As you can see I stopped to smell the roses.

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