Caught between the soft desert sand and the harsh Atlantic lies a gem cut from the past, but still contemporary in lifestyle . This colourful , clean and serene town , quaint and quirky, plays host to the travelling world.
Swakopmund oozes seaside charm and she lures her travellers from far and wide. Words from around the globe brush past you as you stroll her streets. She does not discriminate, she accepts all who arrive to be touched by her charms . From the weathered overlander with her scruffy boots and hair, to the lens- laden ” Kaiser ” in his well-pressed lightly travelled safari garb…we all flock to enjoy what she offers.
Spending time strolling the streets with the fresh aroma of coffee and cake transforms you. It lets your mind enjoy a simpler pleasure that touches your heart through your tummy.
It is late Sunday afternoon. The sun is setting over the sea. Cheerful families pour out on to the streets to enjoy window shopping in town, or a long walk next to the ocean to catch the last bit of warmth before the sun drops below the horizon . The promenade is the collection point for families , friends or just your thoughts . I am so enjoying my time here. I love the fact you can’t buy alcohol after midday on Saturday. Most of the shops close and people walk everywhere . Yes, she has charmed me. So a day longer I will stay.