Time has become a rare commodity of late and 24 hours in a day just is not enough. So much still to do , but damn exciting. The to- do list is a never ending reshuffle of priorities. Slowly but surely. Since the last post much has happened , much has been achieved and much still has to happen.
A big thanks to Vespa. I have been spending time with Louw who has been prepping the scooter for me and instructing me on the mechanical workings of Victoria , as well as how to keep her on the road come what may. We have done a major service and are currently replacing all the wear and tear items so that by the time we hit the road she is almost new. New tyres , clutch , brake pads , filters ,oils and lubricants and so the list goes on and on. I am feeling really confident about the scooter and her current state of mechanical well being .
I have a very busy week ahead finalising things at the office and doing last minute administration like the Ethiopian visa and taking on the ever- elusive to do list . I am hoping that by the end of next week most of the outstanding things are done and I can focus on the bike and the trip in preparation for the first of May launch date.